Coalescer Filters
Advanced Coalescing Filtration Technology
Freudenberg Filtration Technologies manufacture Coalescers filters for refrigeration applications.
The Microfresh® range of coalescers filters are specifically designed for the industrial refrigeration industry using ammonia and other refrigerants.
Oil aerosols emitted by ammonia refrigerant compressors are under 5µm particle size and the majority are smaller than 2µm.
Other contaminants in the refrigeration system are solids consisting of rust and scale that are typically between 5µm and 0.5µm particle size. These can clog the coalescing media, shortening the life of the compressor as well as the coalescer filter.
The oil filter plays an important role in the operation of the coalescer filter by minimising the amount of solid particles circulating, thus allowing the coalescer filter to do it’s job in removing oil aerosols.
MDS - Discharge Silencers
A combination of a compact filter and absorptive silencer.
An absorptive packed, straight through type silencer with low pressure drop.
A range of silencers is offered to attenuate the main source of noise in blowers, vacuum pumps, compressors etc. The main source of noise can usually be traced to the air intake and the exhaust.

Three mechanisms of the coalescing filtration process

Filter efficiency and pressure drop
Coalescer filter efficiency is important because it affects not only contaminant removal but also the filter life.
Pressure drop is the first indication of the coalescer filter failing. It signals that the filter is becoming blinded and the flow is reduced. Flow rate, operating pressure, the volume of contamination and the type of contaminant in the stream all affect the rate of pressure loss across a coalescing filter.
When a pressure drop of between 2 kPa (8 in H2O) to 2.5 kPa (10 in H2O) is indicated the coalescer filter should be replaced.
Microfresh® Refrigeration Oil Filter - Flow Restriction Graph

Microfresh has been a major supplier of these Coalescer filters to the Australian market since 1990
Freudenberg Filtration Technologies | Microfresh® Industrial Filtration Coalescers Australia.