Cabin Air Filters
Protect the health of your workforce.
Freudenberg Filtration Technologies manufacture Cabin Air Filters for varied applications.
Fine particulate dust emissions represent a significant health risk to personnel in the cabins of minesite vehicles. Where standard paper filter cartridges can be used to target larger road dusts and pollen, FFT’s advanced polymer filter cartridges target much smaller dust particles often found in mining.
FFT are the world leaders in the filtration of cabin air of on-road vehicles. FFT CAF (Cabin Air Filters) can be found in just about all of the worlds leading vehicle OEM’s including ALFA ROMEO, ASTON MARTIN, AUDI, BMW, CHRYSLER, CITROËN, DAEWOO, FERRARI, FIAT, FORD, GENERAL MOTORS, HONDA, IVECO, JAGUAR, LAMBORGHINI, LANCIA, LEXUS, MAN, MASERATI, MAZDA, MCC, MERCEDES-BENZ, NISSAN, OPEL, PEUGEOT, PORSCHE, RENAULT, ROVER, SAAB, SEAT, ŠKODA, TOYOTA, VOLVO, & VW.
It is FFT’s expertise in on-road emissions coupled with our skills in controlling ultrafine particles at their source (diesel exhaust filters) that has allowed us to develop CAF solutions for mining applications.
FFT have a number of MERV 16 (and other) rated Cabin Air Filters designed to fit directly in to the OEM recirculating air conditioning system of various mining vehicles including CAT, Sandvik and Atlas Copco Trucks & Loaders, Toyota LV’s and a variety of ancillary equipment like Integrated Tool Carriers, Drillers and Shotctreters. Any OEM filter geometry can be accommodated.
For the most OHS critical applications such as mining environments containing asbestos fibres, FFT manufacture HEPA rated filters that can be incorporated into aftermarket cabin air pressurisation systems.
Please contact us for further information on Mining Cabin Air Filters

Learn more about S.A.F.E.air filtration for Coal Mining
Learn more about cabin air filtration for Coal Mining
Visit the FFT Global Cabin Air Filters website for more general information on CAF...
Without cabin air filters, pollen, soot, dust and gases as well as unpleasant odours reach the interior of the vehicle directly and occupants breathe in unfiltered air, complete with pollutants. It is not only exhaust emissions and industrial pollution that can significantly impair the health and well-being of the occupants. Agricultural substances such as fertilisers and liquid manure and natural irritants such as ozone also have a negative impact on health...
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